Thursday, March 20, 2008

Excerpt from Brent's diary / May 1993: Chuck E. Cheese

Was having coffee with Kirtis today at Diedricks and neither of us could remember that guy's name. So right after that hot raver chick walked by and smiled at us, we started talking about him. He was this wild dancer who was all arms and legs and made faces while he danced. We called him Voodoo. This was back in 1984 when we were break dancing at Chuck E. Cheese pizza . They used to have dancing on Friday nights and the crowd was like between 12-16 years old. Some high school and some junior high. We got to join Matt Otto's crew there one night. The famous popper and break dancer who was in the Irvine World News once doing his famous pose. I'm off the subject...Voodoo, as he was called has since taken several aliases such as lightening and electricity. Actually not really aliases because we just gave him those names when we couldn't remember Voodoo. Not sure why we gave him those names anyway when they have more to do with each other than they do with Voodoo(what a crack up). He did look like this crazy magic guy. Remember that Voodoo guy from the classic James bond Film Live and Let Die with the snakes? Picture him but as a 15 year old white teenager. Chuck E. Cheese...also the place of that fateful meeting with Jennifer Sewell. She would break my heart two years later and i would write a 5 page essay about her in my advanced comp english class in senior year.

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